Dental Destinations Portugal

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A Most Unusual Saint…. St. Apollonia, the Patron Saint for Dentistry and Toothache Sufferers

On this day, February 9th an unusual annual event takes place….

If you are suffering from a toothache today, take note. St. Apollonia is popularly invoked against the toothache because of the torments she had endured to her own teeth. This is why St. Apollonia is the Patron Saint of Dentistry and there is a feast day held in her honor every 9th of February. She is known as the patron saint of dentistry and toothache sufferers. 

How did this come about?
In Alexandria, Egypt, Saint Apollonia was held in high esteem. During the reign of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria (247-265), Apollonia was seized by the mob. She had her teeth knocked out and broken. Still, she refused to repeat impious words of blasphemy or lose her chastity during this violent attack. Instead, threw herself onto a burning fire in an act of martyrdom. This account was preserved in a letter of Fabius, Bishop of Antioch, in what is now Syria.

The term Apollonia is often found in dental literature and attached to dental societies. The image of St. Apollonia is the side support of the arms of the British Dental Association. A reliquary containing a tooth reputedly that of Saint Apollonia is still found today in the Cathedral of Porto, Portugal. 

Having dental issues? Maybe today St Apollonia can help out. If not, come to Portugal where you will find affordable, excellent dentistry and while you are here, perhaps stop by and pay tribute to St. Apollonia at the Cathedral of Porto.

Our expertise is Dental Tourism in Portugal, we are here to help.