Smiling for Success

photo of a stack of money and dental intstruments

Is your smile costing you money and opportunities?

We look in the mirror and see our smile everyday but did you ever wonder if your smile could affect your income potential? 

Research has shown that people with attractive smiles tend to earn more than those with less attractive smiles. A study by the American Dental Association found that people with good smiles earn an average of $14,000 more per year than those with poor smiles. 

And… a study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that people with nice smiles are perceived as more intelligent and successful, which can lead to better job prospects and higher salaries. Investing in your smile can have many positive benefits, not only monetarily but for your confidence level and as well as health. 

Cosmetic dentistry is expensive BUT it doesn’t have to be and we have a few money saving tips for you. 

There are ways to minimize the costs of  treatments while still getting the beautiful smile you want. One way is taking advantage of the growing trend of Dental Tourism. This is where you travel outside the country for dental treatments at a fraction of the cost. Some people think that because the price is lower that the quality is too, but the opposite can be true depending on the country. In fact places like Portugal have state of the art technology, equipment and extremely well trained dentists. We have experienced the benefits of this first hand with significant cost savings and excellent dental care. The extra bonus is getting a fabulous vacation while getting your dental work abroad.. 

Smiling middle age caucasian women

Here are a few of the more popular cosmetic dental treatments and money saving tips.   

Veneers: Veneers are thin shells that are placed over your existing teeth to improve their appearance. They can be used to cover stains, chips, cracks, and gaps between teeth. 

Money saver tip: Veneers in Portugal start at $180 for composite material and $675 per porcelain unit, about 50% less or more than most dental clinics in the US. 

Dental implants: Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed in your jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. A porcelain crown is used on top of the implant. They can be used to replace missing teeth, resulting in a more complete and natural-looking smile.                                             

Money saver tip: A single dental implant and porcelain crown in Portugal is $1575         All on 4 is $12,500 which is 50% less than most US dental clinics charge. 

Invisalign:  Invisalign uses removable trays to straighten the teeth instead of metal braces and wires.  X-rays, a 3D model, and pictures of your teeth are sent to the Invisalign laboratory where customized aligners are created. The aligners are worn 24/7 for a period of time, typically a year or more. Prices range from $4000 - $6000.       

Money saver tip: Due to the number of dental visits, it is best to do this treatment in your home country. Some dental insurance companies will cover partial costs of the treatment. 

Teeth Whitening: Many clinics offer in office whitening treatments and prices range from $300 - $600.

Money saver tip: Teeth whitening at home can be a simple and effective way to improve your appearance. There are several over the counter options available ranging from $5 - $50. Some people find hydrogen peroxide and baking soda also helps brighten teeth. 

Even little improvements can help you gain confidence which goes a long way. 

If you are thinking about  investing in your smile, we can help. It’s what we do.   

 We are experts in Dental Tourism in Portugal.

Come find your new smile in Lisbon


The Benefits of Dental Implants in Portugal


A Most Unusual Saint…. St. Apollonia, the Patron Saint for Dentistry and Toothache Sufferers